Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. We had a really relaxing few weeks. We didn't really do anything special but just hung out with the family was fun. My favorite part of Christmas is Christmas Eve. We have a tradition of going to Christmas Eve church service. Blake was so funny during the service. He kept on saying, "Where's Jesus, it's his birthday?" I love the innocence. We then go get something to eat and come home and read the story of the birth of Jesus. When I was a kid, my parents had big cardboard pictures with the story written on the back. When I had Alyssa, I asked them if I could have them and they gave them to me. We then have birthday cake for Jesus and open a present. Jesus' birth gets left out so many times in Christmas and I just really want my kids to never forget the true meaning of Christmas. Here are a few pics over the last few weeks.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas

Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. Hope you are well and ready for Christmas. I am almost done but was not before the last couple of days. I took the kids to KC to see my family for Thanksgiving and that was fun. I have had a rough month because I decided to quit babysitting. My life was a little too crazy and I needed to slow down but as most of you know I have been babysitting the same family for five years. It was a really hard decision with lots of tears but feel it was the right decision. I am so excited to be done with my class. I got an A but barely. It was more work than I ever expected and don't think I will be so hard on myself next semester when I take Human Anatomy and Physiology 2. The kids are doing good. Alyssa performed in Gold Star's Holiday Xtravaganza. They dressed up in candy cane costumes and performed for a few nursing homes. It was really cute and she had a lot of fun. Matt continues to play the guitar. We think he is a natural at it but we are a little biased. Blake is continuing to make us smile with new things he says. He makes all of us laugh. We are at the Kalahari right now so I can't post new pics but I will when we get back. We got an awesome deal for two nights so we surprised the kids as part of their Christmas presents. Hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Fall

Does anyone ever have days where you feel completely overwhelmed? I have had many of them lately. I am trying to do well at everything I do but it keeps me so busy that I feel I have no time to just stop and relax. I am, though, very thankful to God for everything I have and all the opportunites that are in my life. Many have it far worse than me so I know I shouldn't complain. Everything is going well though. So far I have an A in my Human Anatomy Class. Hopefully, I will keep it after this test on Wednesday on muscles. Jim surprised Alyssa tonight with tickets to a "So You Think You Can Dance" show at the United center. He called her and told her and she was screaming with excitement and had tears in her eyes. I have never seen her that excited. It was really neat! Here are some pictures from the summer that I just now downloaded into my computer. I permed Alyssa's friend, Caroline's hair. The first is the after, the second is after I rolled it(sorry they are turned around). The third picture is Matt's friend Gabe and Matt being goofy.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sorry it has been so long since I blogged. Ok, well the kids started school and love it. Alyssa is in Honors Math and English. She had a horrible time trying to open her locker but has finally got it. Matt likes his teacher and is excited that this year he makes real grades. He is trying very hard to make great grades and is doing very well so far. Blake started preschool last Tuesday. He was very happy to go and didn't cry. He really likes his teacher, Ms. Michelle. The other day he started crying over something and said he wanted Ms. Michelle. I thought that was hilarious. I started my Human Anatomy and Physiology Class. It is a lot of work so if you happen to think of me please pray I make it out of this class alive. JK. I took the kids to the zoo last Saturday. We rode on the train and the kids had a blast. We saw the stingrays, butterflies, dolphins, elephants(Blake's favorite). That was a nice break for all of us. I haven't downloaded new pics lately but will soon.

Friday, August 15, 2008



This is Alyssa. I just wanted to let you all know that I got a new background for our blog and added music that my mom picked out. (Although for some reason it isn't working at the moment...) I hope you like it!!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pictures from this summer

Alyssa and Matt walked in the Yorkville 4th of July parade advertising day camp for our church.

Matt got a facial from Alyssa and her friend Edie. Doesn't he look comfortable!

Matt played for the Royals this year which he was very excited about because my parents live in Kansas City. Sorry, I don't know how to ture it around.

Monday, August 4, 2008



I can't believe it is already August. It seems like yesterday that I was thinking of all the plans around the house and plans to take the kids on trips to the city. I have not done a thing!! What I have done is spend a lot of time with my kids especially at the new waterpark. They LOVE it there!! There is NO fighting when we go there which is always a bonus. We saw my dear old friend Amy. I don't get to see her as often as I like because of both of our busy lives but when we do we can pick up where we left off. There are not many friends you can say that about. She has a beautiful daughter and cute, cute one year old twin boys. Matt loved carrying Christian around. Amy inspires me by her close walk with Jesus. We also went skating on Thursday. Alyssa and Matt each got to bring a friend and I skated with Blake. Blake does really well for a three year old. He is no where as good as Matt. When he was three, he was riding a bike with no training wheels. Not much has changed, his gross motor skills are still awesome. Hope all of you are well!!
